Wednesday 15 April 2015

4th-6th April 2015

This get a little tricky. Spend the past 3 days trying to build model by model. It goes from the body to the hand and i had forgotten how much i hate doing fingers in modelling.

I even had this thought of making just the hand a big pile of cube and texture it accordingly later on but then that will not help me in the future if there's ever a need  where the fingers had to be animate individually.

The character starting to take shape.
I decide to go for the "cut a hole" method where the model did not actually have a constant edge flow to it to save those polygons usage.

The roller blades was designed next. Hit a few bummer while doing the mirroring of  the object where the x-y axis does not really work correctly. Managed to fix it due to the mesh history going crazy.
Adding the leg and footwear

Took a break and found a new kickstarter game that has been released to steam HOVER: Revolt of games which have similar kind of concept to our game. YIKES. Looking at some of the gameplay that was uploaded it feel really similar except that we had the grapple mechanics. Informed this to the other members and they were shocked as well.
Luckily we did not go ahead with the initial concept of making the game style in neon and futuristic kind of look. Still it's quite unbelievable to have an idea and someone beat you to it!

Completed the model! Technically not,as i still have to do some optimization to it as the polygon reach to 2.2k and i want it to stay in the range of 1-1.8k area.

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