Wednesday 15 April 2015

31st March 2015

Still figuring out how i could approached the issue in getting the side and back part of the hair fixed and i had promised myself not to play any dota game till i had this problem fixed (well actually it is more due to the fact we had a group meeting tomorrow and i pretty much have to show this to them)

In a strange turn of events found myself chatting with my previous groupmate on facebook. All these while i had her on facebook i didn't realized her profile pic was actually taken upside down (i actually thought  it was some soft of cute character with weird design), with both maya and facebook site up i found myself playing around with my laptop screen and rotate it to 180 and then only then her profile pic make sense (it was actually her face in an upside down manner!). While making this useless rambling discovery for ( laz and alex to read ) something else caught my eye, my character model, with the viewport upside down i found a way to actually fixed the issue that has bugging me for 2 days!!

Strange indeed aye.

front of view main hero

The side and back finally fixed after 2 days!

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