Wednesday 15 April 2015

1st April 2015

Had our team meeting on the easter break today. Everyone came back with their part that need to be done and at the same address some minor internal issues between members.

Ryan was not around today. MIA. Unable to contact.

The meeting sort off setting up the final target for this semester for the game and what need to be done in collaboration for the assets to be place in unreal for the artist to work on. The programmer on the other hand is figuring the concept of all those movement, mechanics and camera.

Assets and animation needed for this semester target
We also discussed a few things altogether such as what is needed in programming that had to be translate to animation action. The "+" sign indicates this collaborative assets.

Right after that we go straight to the level design and experience discussion. Really like this updated level design collaboration from the 3 designers (Joey, Johnson and Mingel) compared to their previous design.

We end the day highlighting what is needed to be done before the next presentation to Laz and Alex.
My part is to get some of those top level design look and show the team the look and feel of the game.

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