Tuesday 21 April 2015

18th-19th May

During these 3 days it feel the longest and tedious throughout the unwrapping and texturing process. Why? I know i had to get the AO light bake to my character but Maya doesn't really support that. Given there is a "default" AO materials to be slap to the model but upon trying to bake it gave out a really ugly process.

Enter 3D max! With skylight light reference all those settings that I suppose to set in Maya could be thrown out the window. Still it took me at least three quarter of the day to find this method and get it right !

I was actually doing both UVs and researching the baking of lights to the model simultaneously throughout these 3 days.

working on it 1 by 1

After hours....of non dota days...it is DONE!

Those crazy Uvs

Feel pretty good once the tedious part is done and to have a little fun i started to add a little color to the character head.

Show it to the other team,,,well they pretty much hate it...why those ungrateful !@#!#$@#%$#...lol joking

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