Tuesday 19 May 2015

16th-17th May 2015

This feel eternity. I always realised that the character model had issues that requires fixing but I keep delaying it and actually create more animation with the model. WHAT A BIG MISTAKE!

Issues with character hole
I did not realized what a mess i created for myself and the team until I tried to fixed one of the character and pass to the programmer. I am certainly angry at myself for not listening to my gut feeling earlier and fixed this issues.

This also creates a little tension with the programmer as they have to refix all the character animation over again. While no one like to fix and redo stuff, what other choices we had?

I didn't realised the technical issue with Unreal till now; apparently Koh (the programmer) insist he need the skeleton to fix the issue, problem is i did not change any variable or naming to my skeleton!
Nothing was changed apart of adding the hole to the feet (which i deleted ages ago in trying to safe polygon faces) and the hole in the hair due to vertex breaking apart.

I did my own research and apparently found out what actually cause this issues to keep coming back which resulting the new animation (model) to be combined to the existing model.

Reflection Segment:  Yes mistake was make, while I am a little angry at my stupidity and delaying fixing this 1 issues, I knew it could be worse if this issues was seen in other 3 character that is waiting to be model and animate. 

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